Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Deadbeat Blogger

I know, I know. It's been over a week since my last post...I'm a total lowlife. However, it's not entirely my fault that I've been away for so long.

After all, I do have a rambunctious new puppy to chase around, one who needs to be taught things, such as the invaluable lesson that we do not pee on slate tile, which stains quite easily...

What's that, momma?

...and that he had better learn to use his inside voice...

Say what?

...and that we do NOT help ourselves to human food, even if it is bacon!

Aw, come on!

I may have gotten one or two or six dozen requests for more Desmond pictures, so I figured I'd go one better and add some video that I took on Saturday. Des learned to climb the stairs fairly easily, but had refused to come down by himself until I decided that enough was enough. Here is me forcing him to do it all by himself...and, uh, pardon my obnoxious baby talk:

http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=899886&server=www.vimeo.com&fullscreen=1&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color="> http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=899886&server=www.vimeo.com&fullscreen=1&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=" />

Desmond from meghan graves on Vimeo.

And just for posterity, in case Louie should ever read this blog and feel slighted, I'm also including the following pictures. You'll always be my first love, Lou!


N. said...

O.M.G. Too freaking adorable! I can't stand it... cutest dogs ever... I've always wanted big dogs, but you might be changing my mind...

Meghan said...

oh my god, that is so effing cute!!! what a good boy! god, how i miss the puppy squeak!! i want a new baby! (of the canine variety, thankyouverymuch)

Anonymous said...

OMG!! How freaking cute it he?!?! I love the puppy squeaks. Ugh, so freaking cute!!

So, the other day I was running and a girl walking her puggle passed me. I totally had to stop her and pet her baby - I'd never seen a puggle IRL before. I mean, they are super cute in pictures, but in real life? Freaking adorable!! It made me wanna meet Louie and Desmond even worse!

Kate said...

Aaaack! That is the cutest thing EVER!!! Thank you so much for the cute puppy fix!

LC said...

Ohhhh....I want oneeee.....SO FREAKING CUTE!!!

Lisa said...

Cutest thing I've ever seen!!! I definitely request more video entries on your blog. That was awesome!!

Maria said...

Those pics make my heart melt! Adorable!!

"T-Bone" Lee said...

ok. that video is just too friggin adorable. he just might be the cutest puggle ever. (don't let louie read this!!!)

oh. and stop worrying about your dusty stairs!!!! freak! :):):) love you!

Mary said...

He's so little! And they are the cutest dogs ever. My birds were talking to the computer when they heard the puppy squeaks.